The Old Wyvern

Storytelling, Events, Workshops and Games


Our Mission!

To tell wonderful tales and create memorable events!

You can find a full list here: Events



From the regular Exeter Folk Tale walks to distinct events we are available for hire for strange myths and legends to entertain and educate 


Historical weapon training using Live Action Role Play weapons so that anyone of any ability can join in. From regular workshops to personal training.

Bespoke Events

Live Action Roleplay events and Murder Mystery nights run for birthday parties, hen/stag nights etc.  

Private Hire

For anything from GMing private Roleplaying games to personal events.  

In a fantasy world, six duchies encircle what is left of the seventh. Now known as the Rogues Forest after it collapsed into black magic and horror as they attempted to forge the Duchies into a kingdom. Now the other Duchies must constantly police it and a shanty town of desperate and foolish has built around it. 

We have a test event if you would like to try:

The Wyrde West Country

Elizabeth is on the throne. 

The West Country is a hotbed of spies and villany. 

Pirates and smugglers are rife. 

And the occult underpins the Moores as the Drewer rides the wyldes and the fey strike deals with unsuspecting mortals. 

Stay tuned for our first event!

Steampunks of Gloucestershire - Adventures in Space & Genre

It is the late Victorian period, but there are differences.

Science has taken a brisk turn, leaning into clockwork, and steam, heavy industrialised mechanical technology is rife, giving some people access to everything from clockwork limbs to weapons of strange science,

Is there magic and the occult? Absolutely not! Such a thing would be ridiculous and rumours of ghosts and zombies, particularly any zombies in the royal family such as Prince Albert is poppycock.

This is a setting of high adventure and social unrest. The whigs are pushing for social change, philosophies and engineering are racing at unprecedented levels.

And into this wild weird world spiral the participants.


Contact to get more information about events and bookings